Crew of 'Thalassa' mending a ringnet, Carradale.

Crew of 'Thalassa' mending a ringnet, Carradale.
Crew of 'Thalassa' mending a ringnet, Carradale.
Crew of 'Thalassa' mending a ringnet, Carradale.
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Crew of 'Thalassa' mending a ringnet, Carradale.
Crew of Thalassa’ CN112, built by Wilson Noble, Fraserburgh, in 1926, for Donald McIntosh, mending a ringnet, Carradale.

L-R: Donald Mitchell, John Galbraith, James Conley, and Lachlan Paterson.

James Conley was born in Campbeltown in 1857 and moved with his parents to Barmollach, north of Carradale, at the age of 16. He had a skiff, which he named the ‘Ocean Bride’, built at Ardmaleish, on the Isle of Bute, in 1914.

Following his death at Carradale, aged 90, his obituarist in the Campbeltown Courier, 22 February 1947, recalled: ‘His experiences as a fisherman were many and intensely interesting. He was a good expositor, for, as he recorded detail by detail, one lost sight of the narrator and seemed to live in these memorable days of sail, fishing as far south as the Old Head of Kinsale before the days of 8-10 h.p. Kelvin engines.’

Original image from Robert Conley, Carradale.
Robert Conley, Carradale
Bk 7a p1.7
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